The road may seem lengthy, you have been walking for a very long time. In some instances you were running, and the run turns into a slow pace walk, and then a drag. Don’t grow weary, I feel that word so strong in my Spirit, the road will come to a point of Rest. You will see the Lord and why the road has been so lengthy in your life. You thought you were past this, you thought many times the road would end, but it was all deception. Counterfeit opportunities would come and you would fall, and continue the walk. For some you saw straight through the counterfeit opportunities, and you continued, even while on your knees.
I don’t know if you are reading, and you are resonating with this. It is easier to Give up and turn around, but look how far you have come already. Satan has really tried himself with you, But again, I say “LOOK HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME!” As you continue your journey, Begin to look at the beauty around you. You have been so focused on the road, You forgot to enjoy what is around. It’s OK to look up, Look to your left and right, God is going to show you many things.
Look at the beauty of the trees, that symbolize how many lives you have changed during your walk. Look at the beauty of the grass, that may symbolize how God uses you to impart into people. Look at the beauty of the sky, that symbolize The change within you, you may have missed. Look at the beauty of the birds, that symbolize The healing that took place, within your family. Look and see, begin to see with your spiritual eyes, ask God to help you see. You will realize, the road was only long, because you forgot to look up, and around.
Psalm 18;35-36 “You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.”
Today, look at the beauty around you.
Photo Credit: Sherry Land
1 comment
Beautifully written, we so often forget to look at how far we have come ..Life will always have ups and downs and unknowns but we need to remember that we do not walk this road alone . We have a friend in Jesus 🙏🏼