Have you ever felt a tug? A pull? To go further, to go beyond the boundaries you have set for yourself. I often think of movies like Moana! Don’t go beyond the a certain point. I think of Beauty and the Beast, don’t go to the west wing. Why were boundaries like that placed? Perhaps because there eyes would be opened? Perhaps knowledge will come to them, and understanding?
What if we never explored the beyond? When God set the great commission in Mt 28:18–20 “"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
If we know this is what we have to do, why do we hold back? I knew for myself I wanted to reach many people. I would ask God how? I know you called me, but how? Here came social media. Suddenly sharing myself and the gospel became a world wide ministry! Hundreds of thousands of people began to follow me to hear Jesus. Jesus is the key. People have asked me, what is your strategy? What is your method? Jesus! Just speak the truth!
Out of this mandate on my life I have developed “Emerge” Emerge is a place for women to feel safe, a place to release and heal. I love what God is doing, we meet, we pray, we have a private chat community etc… God has expanded my horizons! There is more for you! If you have ever felt, a heavy call and don’t know how, start by speaking the truth and God will open the doors. Surround yourself with women like you and more!
Everyone won’t understand this season but it’s not meant for people to get it. God will take you to places you only dreamed of. He will have you traveling more, speaking more, praying more, healing more etc… you have to be ready. What is meant for you, is for you! There are greater works in you. I remember taking a gift analysis many times, and each time my highest was Apostleship, Prophesy and Teaching. When my husband took it his highest was Apostleship, Evangelist and Administrative gifts. Look into your gifts and expand what God has given you. Don’t be afraid! The world is waiting!
I didn’t quite take this one, but this is a great way to find out. Go to gifttest.com
I am still on this journey…love the post very thought provoking!
I am still on this journey…