I’m Trying… I Really Am.

Have you ever cried out in desperation, God I Am Trying! I Really Am! We are not perfect, yet we try so hard to be. Time and Time again we fail, when we do we feel a sense of despair. Thoughts arise, I am not good enough, the spirit of Comparison hits us and suddenly we feel everyone has it together but us. How is that? 

Can I tell you a secret? No one is perfect. We nailed perfect to the cross. The happy couples you see online, yea they argue too. They don’t always agree on things. The beautiful flawed face you see on social media, yea she has issue too. Your co worker who seems to have it all together, does her job perhaps fast and accurate, yea… she goes through things too. 

Stop beating yourself up. God sees you. He sees you are trying. You failed. He knows, now get back up, repent and continue. Addictions, betrayals, mindset, etc… release it. Tell the devil to step behind you in Jesus name and He will flee! 

Does this mean you fail purposely knowing God will forgive you? No, this is called abusing Gods grace. It means when you fail, you forgive yourself, you repent, and you keep pushing for the Prize. You are valuable, you are called and chosen by God for a time as this. Your duty is to pick back up and tell others about Jesus. 

What has He done for you? Testify of His goodness. 

Paul said it best…

Romans 7:15

15 I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.

I’m Trying… I Really Am.

What do you think?

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