We hear often, we need to close doors in our lives. What does this look like? Closed doors is a spiritual term many of us use, in order to symbolize the closing of what holds us back from our purpose.
Closing doors to the enemy is him not having access to us anymore. Our minds are the enemies play ground and unfortunately we have allowed him to play us. Closing doors to Unforgiveness, soul ties, trauma, our past, sin etc…
If we don’t close doors, keeping them open will only harm us. Why is it so hard to walk up to the doors and close them? Perhaps these doors represent people and the thought of losing people scares you. Perhaps forgiving someone, makes you upset? Because you want revenge. Perhaps closing the door means you will feel alone and that torments you?
Whatever closing the door looks like, I want to let you know, it’s worth it. The pain, the tears, the strength that comes after and the freedom! Wow. It’s the best feeling.
Ephesians 4:27 says, "Give no opportunity to the devil". It is a warning from the apostle Paul to not allow Satan to have any influence in our lives.