Burn Out In Women

Oh! How I know burnout. I have been here so many times. I’ve allowed myself to get here. How? I didn’t allow myself to take breaks. I didn’t allow myself time to heal. I am a go, go, go type of person. My husband and I are very task driven People. It is a bit dangerous because we lack relationships, we know this, so we both are intentional in building relationships. We know we can miss this part. 

Know the signs of burnout and make sure you surround yourself with people, this means you have to be relational. You can’t do it alone! It’s so important to know what to say no to and what to say yes to. No, isn’t a curse word. We can’t be people pleasers and expect ourselves not to blow a fuse. I made the mistake of saying yes to way too much and would add on to my stress, by planning more. 

I remember I was burnt out, done, spent and more! In 2023, I was not in a good place. I was so unhealthy and stressed. My father had a stroke in the beginning of the year last year 2023. To see a superhero fall took an effect on me. I thought I was OK. The church began to way heavy on me, people began to lean in for more help, my children were suddenly in a season of somewhat rebelling, not all of them, but holy moly, it was a lot! Suddenly, what seemed like every trauma hidden in me began to resurface, it was taking a toll, not only on me, but now my marriage.

Planning conferences, sitting down and trying to even plan out. Goals were a stretch for me. Needless to say, I grew numb. Something wasn’t right. I began to feel sensations in my body, telling me I’m shutting down. 

God had to pour into me, my alone time with him is what healed me. My mind was in turmoil, my body was attacked and my spirit was grieving! I would yell out God's name! Jesus! Help me! I need you now! Sometimes I would hear the echoes of my own voice Crying till I was dry of tears. One day the Lord said meet me in the Courts of Heaven…I did, I learned what the courts of heaven was, and he began to teach me more. Lord show me more I would cry out. I learned, and it was the most grueling process. (Read Robert Henderson’s book, on The Courts Of Heaven also look up his YouTube videos) 

I was stressed and burnt out to the point, I couldn’t drive, sleep, walk etc… It was awful. It affected my day to day life. Only those closest to me knew. Each Sunday I would crawl in with a smile refusing for anyone to see me down. Even my insides screamed Lord, Lord! I need you! I was healed slowly. Oh’ how I prayed it would be instant. I needed the process. We don’t like the process, but we love the promise. The Lord told me 2023 would be the year of Healing and it sure was. 

Today if you are burnt or you are feeling it’s coming. Stop what you're doing. Take care of you. I have a dynamic team. A Prolotherapist, a Chiropractor, a Naturopath Dr, and Functional Dr. I also have one of the most Amazing pastors a  girl can have and I call him Hubby. Actually my phone has him as SugarDaddy but that’s neither here nor there. The Lord does heal in different ways. 

Here’s my method below: How I healed my body that began to attack itself. Stress will literally kill you.


5 Deliverance sessions in a month! I recommend the only two people that I trust, Oscar and Paula. To them I owe so much too. Not even the grave will make them speak on what took place. They are my trusted source. You can find them on FB and at The Linked Church OKC @ 3141 NW 10th st OKC 

NATURAL INJECTIONS CALLED (Prolozone) in my neck and upper back. (Because of head trauma some years ago my amazing Prolotherapist caught it in a Motion Moving X-ray) at Venturis Clinic in Oklahoma. Dr. Alvin 

Naturopath- Sarah at Taylor’s Herbs in Bethany Oklahoma. (Supplements, Iridology, Muscle testing)

Functional Dr.- Mental Health and adjustments for my back and laser light therapy for upper back and neck.


Everyday for a month I went to the courts of Heaven, I would lay out in the Sun for hours and speak to the Lord. There are some in between stuff that I did as well, but this blog will go pages long. Lastly, please do your body a favor and do a parasite cleanse, healing started when I began the process of parasite cleansing and heavy metal detoxing. You will find a link below.  I AM STILL ON A JOURNEY, BUT THIS TIME TO MAINTAIN MY HEALTH. I enrolled into school after completing my Masters Degree, and now I am studying to become a Natural Health Professional. I love being in the vein of helping people heal. 

Now I teach women and Coach marriages on the power of Healing through Jesus! And setting yourself Free through Deliverance.  A whole different message. Sometimes we grow complacent in our walk until God makes a Shift! Now I have grown my following on Social Media to over 106K followers via Tik Tok, my Instagram has picked up and now I can tell many across the globe about who God is and what He can do for your Marriage, Finances, Health and so much more! I launched my Emerge Group and other plans to come. For now, I will leave this here.


My Amazon storefront for products I recommend 


My trusted source for all vitamins (Natures Sunshine) 


Burn Out In Women

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